Smooth Sailing

That’s what we’d all like, isn’t it? Crossing Lake Ladoga at night, our ship was a fiendish 5 hour KGB torture session, complete with loud banging noises as something loose on the deck pounded against the railings, our cabin creaked, and we held tight as we rocked back and forth, as anything not nailed down did the same. We’ve been promised a better night of sailing tonight as the same wind conditions are not supposed to prevail heading north across Lake Onega. Our fingers are crossed.

Traveling through two locks lifted us higher into the countryside along the Svir River. It was a nice change from the sophisticated urban center of St. Petersburg.


Stopping by the small town of Mandrogy was authentic tourism based on the ancient Russian folklore invented in the 19th century. On a Monday in September, it was creepily empty, a feeling reinforced by the meeting of the gingerbread lady. The craftsmanship was, however, quite good. The architecture reminded us of the Native culture in Alaska. The gnome with the sign points to the public bath, an activity we passed on.




We’re on our way overnight to an island close to the Artic Circle. Hope it’s not too cold!