Making our way back

We’re back to more regular 4G service and other indicators of western civilization, like more movie theaters. The Big Sioux River at Sioux Falls has been encased by the city and manicured. It is a relic of the last time a glacier went through, the gorgeous warmth of quartz, some quarried by the inmates to build a territorial prison, so they could be confined in the Dakotas, rather than Detroit. There are many more enormous spray irrigators and big fields of corn, once we’ve traveled back this side of the Dakotas. Then on to St. Joseph, Missouri, the eastern hub of the Pony Express. A business that lasted just 18 months struck a romantic chord in all of us and is an irresistible metaphor for American grit and enterprise. Bill Cody was one of the riders. Now, back to the Gateway City with much to think about. We’re looking forward to celebrating Emma’s graduation before heading back to the east coast.