More on the animals . . .

Spotting animals is one of the real pleasures of visiting Grand Teton and Yellowstone. Some are easy to find and many are not. Checking with the rangers and getting out on a lot of hikes is well worth it. We were early enough in the season to avoid the “bear jams” of distracted motorists for which Yellowstone is famous. But, even now, we tourists tend to cruise along the roads scanning the vast fields trying our luck or looking for people stopped by the side of the road with big scopes who seem to know what they are doing. We saw, but didn’t photograph, a garter snake, ravens, an osprey, and a bald eagle. You’ve seen our photos of dusky grouse and bears and deer and moose. We have more to share below: a coyote, a marmot, a woodchuck, a melanistic woodchuck, a mountain bluebird, a bison, a really cute ground squirrel. Still on our list to see are any of the mountain cats and, of course, wolves. It’s always good to have more to see. Someday we’ll see wolves in the wild and that will be a thrill worth waiting for.